WOW holy birthdaze ! January is GONE ! *disbelief* ...
... this whole month in this brand new #dailybirthday revolution has been a rapid blur of productivity ... with it has come its ups and downs fo'sho ... (emotionally speaking mostly not even speaking pliticlly dont even get us started on plitics ... tho its all related) but we have been really working hard on bring to yall a slew of media to be released over this year as it unfolds ...
SOARiNG HiGH with accomplishments step by step and setting up the dominos to cascade in a beautiful pattern we have been burning that daily every waking second midnight oil ...
working on 2 collaborative Visitor 10 EP's at the moment, one with the homie Petar Kruit of Ducaz Beats from the Netherlands and the other with Richmond, VA local Erik Akers ...
so excited for both of these as they feel like very crucial missing links of this musical path we have been on ...
not just new music is in the works tho ... with plans for 5 music videos from new projects and old this year will be void of the mundane and filled with plenty of time travel !
and last but and certainly not least the last 12 days were spent in a creative hyperbolic time chamber of sorts with long time friend Ben Dasher ... we have written and recorded solid live takes of 5 different songs which we plan to perfect and polish and surf them to different musicians to expand into a fuller sound ... possibly with the addition of a couple more pieces into a full length album under the project name "Slow Mourning" ... Ben and ourcells have been so hyped on the neo.mania of it all that we probably wont even stop there ...
and with in the whirlwind we got wind that NPR Tiny Desk Concert was having a contest so we wrote, recorded, and rehearsed a video of a song in only three days ...
really stoked on this one yall cuz it covers all of our current passions ... from kendama, to singing, to rapping, to flux.u.8ing faces over some beautiful guitar magic ... it would be wonderful if yall could take a moment to check out this video for this music we feel so passionately about ...
thanks for the love and support yall ! wont be playing very many shows in the beginning of this year ... have two Philly shows lined up for the 17th and the 28th ... but gonna be taking a break to record and polish and create ... stay strong during these trying times and please dont hesitate to reach out to a wizard if anyone needs support... cuz its nutty out there and we need to stick together ... #HAPPYDAiLYBiRTHDAY YALL !